Friday, July 24, 2009

Don't be "that guy"

You know when you're driving down the road, with no one behind you, yet someone finds the need to pull out in front of you so you have to slam on the brakes... that is who "that guy" is, or in my case, "that girl."

I attended a class for pediatric advanced life support (PALS) last week & a few of the people there were not familiar with the area, so I told them where I was planning on going for lunch & about 6 others decided to follow me there. We went to La Rumba's which is a Mexican restaurant that has good cheap food. We sat down and one of the girls automatically started complaining because our waiter didn't speak Spanish (this girl was NOT Mexican or Spanish, but was married to one for many years) & because they didn't have a specific dish she wanted. I have to admit that our drinks took forever to come, and our ordering process was slowed even more by this girl. Even I couldn't tell if she was joking or rude because she would switch back and forth between serious & laughing so quickly. She continued to be completely obnoxious throughout lunch to not only the waiter but everyone else at the table too.
Although the service was not the greatest, I felt so horrible for the abuse the waiter was receiving from this girl that I left him a large tip, and apologized numerous times before we left.

Since I am trying hard not to be judgemental, and to approach each situation with love, I'm walking away from this situation with another lesson of how NOT to be "that guy."


Kristina P. said...

I think that it's OK to judge behaviors and how you should not treat people.

Wendyburd1 said...

Umm since when does a restaurant have to HAVE a certain dish?! They get to decide what they serve NOT the customer! Otherwise I'd be sitting in a Mexican restaurant ordering myself a full roast chicken dinner from scratch! I don't get some people!!


I hate being in that position myself. I waited tables all through college (it paid my way) and am very supportive of wait staff....but it even applies to anyone who gives customer service. I hate to see someone abuse the checkout girl at Walmart too. Can't we all just be nice?

Missy said...

I have a friend who I avoid going out with because of this behavior! I need to say something, but just never get the right opportunity! I just hope her daughter has to waitress one day! LOL

Jessica said...

I hate that guy. Sometime people are the worst.

Jessica G. said...

I'm with Stillmagnolia...what can't we just be nice?
I had a neighbor in college who was like this. I avoided her as much as possible but she seemed to pop up everywhere. She married one of my husband's old roommates, her husband worked with mine, she lived close by...EVERYWHERE! But she's since moved and I've breathed a sigh of relief. So when she sent me that Facebook friend request, I didn't hesitate when I clicked "IGNORE."

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Irish Chick Soup said...

"That guy". Sheesh. Can I please add guy that plays his stereo way too loud at 4 in the morning, and guy who watches obnoxious YouTube videos, again way too loudly, at the school computer labs when others are trying to write reports or do research? I hate "that guy".

Farmer's Wife said...

That was totally uncomfortable. Next time we shouldn't just invite anyone to join us. would have been more fun "just the 2 of us". Molly