Sunday, July 25, 2010

Never say Never

My distaste for cooking is something I don't try to hide. My sister even mentioned that she told her kids to be grateful they have one home cooked meal a day b/c they could be living with me!

It's just not something that I've ever really enjoyed doing on a regular basis. I've always seen it as a mundane chore, therefore I rebel, kick, scream barter to get out of it. I admit that I have, on occasion, enjoyed making dishes for parties or functions. But, the everyday need for this has made me despise cooking like the ever growing piles of laundry that spontaneously multiply (and consequently never makes it out of the basket).

However, I made dinner twice in the past 4 days (and made corn bread & banana bread). Eric has a 4-day weekend, so I signed up to work all 4 days, and I've enjoyed switching roles. Now, I didn't make anything fancy (today I made chicken stir-fry) but when given the option of taking care of the boys or cooking...I chose cooking.

It's nice to have a change of pace, and after 5 straight days of diapers, bottles, and crying...the stove and work was what I needed. (What am I going to do when Eric leaves in September for 3 months?!?!)

Don't be alarmed, this isn't something I plan to take on full time, but it wasn't so bad. After all, I am not ready to give up my throne as the Queen of TV dinners!


Amyleigh said...

You're hilarious!! I also despise cooking and see it as a very tedious chore...but to be honest with you, I enjoy cooking for people who will enjoy the food...but cooking for kids who just complain and toss most of it in the trash...well, that just sucks :-)

Amyleigh said...

Oh...forgot to favorite complaint is when once in a blue moon I get some frozen tv dinners and hear the complaint "isn't this unhealthy?!"...this, coming from kids who would rather eat chips than a real meal


You are so funny. I am not fond of cooking as a whole...but when I have plenty of time...I actually do enjoy getting in the kitchen and trying new stuff out. I actually made a cake before I left for Michigan last week so Frank would have a treat all week. He loved it...and it looked very pretty....odd for me. Mine are usually lobsided.

Cheeseboy said...

I've noticed that people that blog either LOVE to cook or HATE it. There is no in between. Count me in the HATE it camp, which it sounds like you are in too. But that chicken stir fry does sound pretty good. Much better than my famed "Craft Mac & Cheese"

Kristina P. said...

It's like I don't even know who you are anymore!

Missy said...

Cooking sucks! Start stocking up on pot pies! LOL

Erin said...

I completely understand everything about this post! I like a change in scenery once in a while too, even if it is for something like cooking (ugh).

Crazy Charm said...

I don't necessarily mind the cooking part; it's the clean-up that makes me crazy...No dishwasher here :(

mak'n Changes said...

Im right there with you,,,,,the kitchen is not my place either.... Personally i think food should be outlawed! Ha ha!